Promoting Achievement through Technology and INstruction for all Students

AEMing for Achievement with PATINS General Information

Bring your district into compliance and improve student performance by joining the fun, growing, and successful AEMing for Achievement teams of Indiana!

Benefits of Participation for 2023-2024:

    1. Intensive, but friendly, and direct assistance bringing your district into full compliance with the requirement to determine a process to provide Accessible Educational Materials including need, acquisition, implementation and data collection for the purpose of increasing student achievement, through the lens of Universal Design for Learning.

    2. A dedicated weekly PATINS Specialist meeting with your district, in-person, online, or by phone conference for the rest of this school year. This may include help in identifying needs, building your action plan, training, supporting Digital Rights Managers in your district, identifying weaker areas and implementing your plan of action to improve access for all students! Meetings may be held more often if needed.

    3. Focused assistance and guidance provided for students identified as benefiting from reading accommodations in 2 primary ways. First, in ensuring your district is in compliance with the federal Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) vetted Quality Indicators for providing Accessible Instructional Materials from the National Center for AEM. Second, in assisting your staff with the collection and analysis of data to guide accommodations and to demonstrate growth and guide further accommodations in the most appropriate and beneficial ways.

    4. Communication Device/System Assistance: Each of the selected AEM LEAs will be able to submit at least one application for specialized assistance with finding the right communication device or system for a student with more intensive needs AND financial assistance in order to obtain the communication device determined to be the most appropriate.

    5. On-Going Collaboration: Indiana has been identified by the National Center for AEM at CAST as 1 of 8 states exemplifying best AEM-related practices and continues to serve in a mentor-like role to other states. Select PATINS AEMing for Achievement School Corporations will have the opportunity to engage in on-going collaboration with the new National CITES Center (Center on Inclusive Technology & Education Systems) also through CAST. The PATINS Director serves on the CITES Advisory Board, which is focused on Developing Comprehensive & Sustainable Systems for the Effective Use of Assistive Technology (AT) & Instructional Technology (IT)/Educational Technology (EdTech) with other school districts around the country.

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