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Webinar - ICAM Digital Files: Delivery and what to do once you receive them!


Title: ICAM Digital Files: Delivery and what to do once you receive them!

Description: The order has been processed and the DRM has received notification, what is next? This training will demonstrate how the particular digital file ordered will be delivered and accessed by the student. Note: This training is intended for Indiana Digital Rights Managers (DRMs).

Date: May 16, 2024
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST

Registration Link will close 48 hours before webinar.
Note: If you require special accommodations including captioning to participate, please submit a description of your needs in the registration form above at least 48 hours in advance.


Format: Online Zoom
Presenter: Jeff Bond
Professional Growth Points Available through completion of short evaluation
Hosted by: PATINS Project, Indiana

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