Promoting Achievement through Technology and INstruction for all Students
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Solving the puzzle!

Some of my favorite things go together so nicely.  Playing tennis on a tennis court overlooking the ocean while a dolphin plays in the background would be my idea of a perfect afternoon!  Another perfect scenario would include me sitting by the ocean reading a mystery novel while a manatee splashed around. Another of my favorite activities is putting together a puzzle with my husband and daughter on our dining room table.  I call it “family puzzling time” and it always makes me so happy to have everyone together completing a puzzle.

As I was contemplating my next blog posting I was thinking about how things fit together. Many times we have pieces of our lives or daily routines that need to fit together to help complete our puzzles.  Thinking about how pieces go together relate to the students I serve as well. Teachers have the complex task of figuring out which pieces of the puzzle fit to best serve their students.  

Each student is unique and will require a different solution.  Some students will need AEM (Accessible Educational Materials) and a technology solution to access these materials. This is where the ICAM (Indiana Center for Accessible Materials) can help. We can provide answers and solutions for your students who struggle with print materials. We can help solve your puzzling student situations.

Do your students need digital text, do they need to access it on an iPad, do they need text to speech? Or do they need audio text on a Windows computer? The different scenarios are endless and the ICAM can help you put the puzzle together.   

If you find yourself with a puzzling case, please do not hesitate to contact the ICAM! Sandy Stabenfeldt (myself), Jeff Bond and Martha Hammond are here to help you every step of the way.

Sandy StabenfeldtJeff BondMartha Hammond

The ICAM webpage is full of great information and resources for you to check out as well.  We have also made some step by step videos to assist you!

Comments 1

Guest - Glenda Thompson on Friday, 01 February 2019 15:19

I read a trend like the Ocean! As well as exercise, family time and taking on challenges, like puzzles...or colleagues. I have called upon you, Jeff and Martha many a time for AEM clarification and/or technical help. Thank you, ICAM team for being there for all of us that just want to help ALL students succeed.

I read a trend like the Ocean! As well as exercise, family time and taking on challenges, like puzzles...or colleagues. I have called upon you, Jeff and Martha many a time for AEM clarification and/or technical help. Thank you, ICAM team for being there for all of us that just want to help ALL students succeed.
Saturday, 27 July 2024

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