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Summer Time Fun!

Most people, who don’t know me well, may not know that my summer days were spent outdoors. Every day in the summer the neighborhood kids and I would go outside and play. We played baseball, using a tennis ball so we didn’t break any windows, played tag, and rode skateboards from the time we woke up until our parents made us come in at dark.
 Sandy Stabenfeldt
I played Little League Baseball; it was fast pitch baseball back then, not softball. We practiced and played games almost every day of the week. We also spent many days at the neighborhood swimming pool.

I was thinking about these fun summer days the other day when I noticed a few girls riding their bikes up and down the street. Unfortunately, it was the only kid activity I had seen on our street since we moved in months ago.

Have the fun activities that I enjoyed as a child disappeared or have they been replaced with new activities? I’m not sure, but I truly hope that parents this summer will encourage their children to get out of the house and play! I have so many memories of these fun-filled days outside.

I also think of how creative we were, we were always coming up with new ways to keep busy. We could make a game out of anything. We would find a crack and see who could jump over it the most. We would find a rock and see who could throw another rock to see who could get the closest to the first rock. Many of my friends and family think I might be a bit too competitive, but I’m not sure about that.

Nowadays I can be found out on the tennis courts, I still love to play, and I have shared my love of tennis with my daughter. When she is around I have someone to play with!

Sandy Stabenfeldt and Courtney Cantrell
I also spent time in the summer at the local library. My mother always made sure we made it to the library at least once or twice a week. I developed a love of stories, and I always looked forward to summertime fun reading! I still have my love of stories, and I still love the feel of a book in my hand. Many of my friends have tried to convince me to try reading on a device, but I prefer a print book, although I do need a little larger print now.

There are so many choices for children during the summer, I hope you will encourage your children to find something they love and enjoy.


Comments 2

Guest - Mary on Saturday, 03 June 2017 16:40

Thanks for sharing Sandy It brought back some of my outdoor times as a kid growing up on a small farm with 4 brothers. We were always outside by 7 a.m. and then called back in for the night after we caught a few fireflies. I hope kids get to enjoy being kids this summer. There is no better way than being outside in your own backyard/neighborhood.

Thanks for sharing Sandy:) It brought back some of my outdoor times as a kid growing up on a small farm with 4 brothers. We were always outside by 7 a.m. and then called back in for the night after we caught a few fireflies. I hope kids get to enjoy being kids this summer. There is no better way than being outside in your own backyard/neighborhood.
Guest - Martha Hammond on Friday, 09 June 2017 20:36

Thanks Sandy. I sometimes worry about kids now, so tied to their devices that they are bored without one. I too was outside beginning the day after school was out. Me and one or two of my girlfriends would pack a lunch and leave on horseback, we had to be home by dark. We explored woods and creeks, caught critters, let them go, rode on. And I enjoyed days visiting cousins who lived in town, the bike races, the ballgames, the ice cream truck. I hope kids will unplug this summer and play.

Thanks Sandy. I sometimes worry about kids now, so tied to their devices that they are bored without one. I too was outside beginning the day after school was out. Me and one or two of my girlfriends would pack a lunch and leave on horseback, we had to be home by dark. We explored woods and creeks, caught critters, let them go, rode on. And I enjoyed days visiting cousins who lived in town, the bike races, the ballgames, the ice cream truck. I hope kids will unplug this summer and play.
Saturday, 27 July 2024

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