Promoting Achievement through Technology and INstruction for all Students
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#ThrowbackThursday - Look at the Past & Future

#WayBackWednesday, #ThrowbackThursday, and the #10YearChallenge are opportunities for us to peek back into history. I love seeing these types of posts because it reminds me how small changes in the past lead to impressive results in the future.

Have you read the PATINS Project’s fascinating origin story yet? I recently did. It's amazing that as I was learning my ABCs & 123s in a small, Cincinnati school, many dedicated educators were setting the foundation for the PATINS Project to bring access to all students one state away. Have a #ThrowbackThursday party of your own and take a look at Glenda’s 2016 post about the history of the PATINS Project.

After reading it, I realized that PATINS/Staff as a whole, both past & present, are forward thinkers. No idea is too simple or too outlandish. Never have I heard, “We do it that way because that’s how it’s always been done.” New ideas are met with “Tell me more!” This is a rare quality to find organization-wide and it has led to successful initiatives like the AEMing for Achievement grant.

Forward thinkers don’t rest on their laurels, so what does PATINS have in store for you in the future?

In early April, we’ll be hosting the PATINS Tech Expo 2019 in partnership with IN*SOURCE with vendors and non-profits from around the nation sharing the latest educational tools and support services. Before you talk yourself out of it due to cost or time commitment, there is no cost... and it is only one day off your calendar. Trust me, the resources you gain will help your students ten-fold.

Furthermore, we’ll be releasing videos like Success Stories featuring students and surprising dedicated educators with Starfish Awards. Maybe you’ll recognize some of these fellow Hoosiers!

Did you see we added a new Extended Chat option for #PatinsIcam Twitter Chat? If you can’t meet us at 8:30 PM EST on Tuesdays, now you have the rest of the week to join the conversation.

As always our Specialists & ICAM staff members are updating their trainings to include topics important to stakeholders and our Lending Library is consistently updated with the latest and greatest tools for you to borrow.

Signing up for our monthly eNewsletter is the easiest way to stay up to date with everything new at PATINS.

Now, I ask you to reflect. How have our services shaped your district, school, students, or even you over the years? What do you hope to see from PATINS in the future? Comment to let us know. :)


Comments 4

Guest - Rachel Herron on Thursday, 21 February 2019 10:21

Jen, I loved this retrospective and review of what we currently offer!

Jen, I loved this retrospective and review of what we currently offer!
Guest - Julie Kuhn on Thursday, 21 February 2019 10:46

nice Jen!

nice Jen!
Guest - Glenda Thompson on Friday, 22 February 2019 10:30

Ahh, I haven't changed a bit! Ha Ha. Well, my passion for this work we all do for the students of Indiana hasn't, that's for sure. Informative write up, Jen.

Ahh, I haven't changed a bit! Ha Ha. Well, my passion for this work we all do for the students of Indiana hasn't, that's for sure. Informative write up, Jen.
Guest - Jen on Monday, 25 February 2019 09:59

Thank you all! I'm such a history buff. I loved learning about the history of the PATINS Project shaping education for students in Indiana in the past and now. The information is too important not to share!

Thank you all! I'm such a history buff. I loved learning about the history of the PATINS Project shaping education for students in Indiana in the past and now. The information is too important not to share! :)
Saturday, 27 July 2024

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